just from electric razors, but from the incessant chatter of people who had let down all barriers and could be en- tirely themselves without restraint...what hen parties we had at night...real sorority style...everybody sitting around in nighties and gossiping like mad. And they were also driving thrills..sometimes to the drive-in movie only a mile away..other times to Lili's house, a very understanding lady who lives in the nearby village and simply adores TV's..or a visit to that charming cousin Mary and her husband a couple who have met more TV's in the past 6 years than most other couples in the USA can ever hope to meet..we played cards there sometimes..and of course there's the house on the hill, also friends who enjoy TV company.. We also wan- dered aimlessly over the 150 acres that surround Casa Susanna, all part of the property. We found out that the deed included an additional 25 acres to the original count of 125..more land to roam about and feel like the girl in the Salem cigarette ads... And then there were the times when I spent many days all alone..bored? Not on your life! There was always laundry and ironing and mending to attend to.. and experimenting with daytime make-up.. what a job to look as if you have no make-up under the merciless, penetrating glare of the sun.
Here's a suggestion for a smoother complexion. It may or may not work with everybody, it all depends on the the skin quality of each. Before you put on anything on your face just cream the whole face, neck and shoulders with a good skin cream (the kind recommended for night and daytime application). Rub it in throughly, let it set for 15 or 20 minutes, then press tissue paper all over to remove excess and then proceed with your base and the rest. The final result looks smoother because many of the pores have been closed by the cream at the bottom. It's worth trying anyway...
This matter of being all alone is really marvellous when you have such enormous freedom of action indoors as well as outdoors...In company, many of us would hesitate for instance to run around in a bathing suit, not everybody looks like a movie star, but alone? It's lots of fun to sit on a sun-chair to get a beautiful tan sur- rounded by trees and bushes and grass and flowers..just close your eyes and daydream full steam wor- ries, no problems, no responsibilities, just lots of time